Carrier Updates from Pinney Insurance

November Updates

Get carrier news, rate changes, marketing info, and more in our November updates.
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What Are the Different Types of Long-Term Care?

When you hear the words "long-term care," do you think "nursing home"? You shouldn't - 50% of all LTC claims are for in-home health care!
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Who Needs Long-Term Care?

70% of people age 65+ will need some form of long-term care. That means 70% of your clients are probably unprepared for this major life expense.
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What Is Long-Term Care?

By 2050, 27 million Americans will need long-term care and it's likely your clients will be among them. Let's take a quick look at what defines it.
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3 Steps to Standardize and Systematize Your Business

3 Steps to Standardize and Systematize Your Business

How do you grow and manage a business without working 24 hours a day? Spend time where you bring the most value and standardize and systematize the rest.
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Carrier Updates from Pinney Insurance

October Updates

Click here for October updates from carriers about rate changes, new products, promotions, contests, and more.
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Digital Marketing Tools, Tips and Strategies

Get Ryan's Digital Marketing Tools, Tips and Strategies

Whether you're looking for the next big thing in digital marketing or need advice on getting started, Ryan Pinney offers his best tips.
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4 Tips for Choosing Marketing Automation Software

4 Tips for Choosing Marketing Automation Software

One of the tools you need to become a 21st century producer is marketing automation software. Here are four tips for evaluating software platforms.
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The Language of Trust

MDRT Minute: The Language of Trust

Author & CEO Michael Maslansky outlines four principles in the language of trust in this MDRT Minute. Get a quick summary plus a link to the full article.
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MDRT Redesigns "Round the Table" Magazine

Check out the newly redesigned Round the Table magazine, with three new sections that give you business tips, member profiles, and important updates.
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FREE Webinar Series: “Grow Your Business with IUL”

Watch these 5 webinars with North American, each with 20 minutes of sales tips and best practices, so you can start selling IUL now!

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