6 Benefits of Life Insurance for College Planning
Due to the rising costs of college tuition, fewer families can pay to send their children off to college. But the youth of today are our leaders tomorrow, so it’s important that they receive their shot at a college degree without being hindered simply by money.
It’s our job as insurance and financia...
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An Example of College Planning With Life Insurance
Henry Jones wants his son, Henry Jr., to go to college just like he did. But, because his wife is sadly deceased, Henry is a single father. He’s not sure he'll be able to save enough money for his son’s college tuition. Junior is off on adventures quite often, so Henry Sr. is also a bit uneasy about ...
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Using Permanent Life Insurance for College Tuition
Does this scenario sound familiar?
Your client started a college fund for their child's future educational expenses. Maybe it's a 529, or maybe it's a Coverdell account.
But what happens if mom or dad become unemployed or disabled? If they can’t make the annual payments, most plans fold. If they ar...
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Life Insurance as a College Fund Option
We're now in the month of August, which means it's back to school for many. For clients with children, college funding may be stressful.
Consider this: Married couple, two kids.
Seems like your standard family, right? What few think of when considering the “standard” family is the amount of things ...
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