August 2023 Sales Kit -Back to School

August 2023 Sales Kit: Back to School

Our August 2023 sales kit will help you show clients how permanent life insurance can help them put their kids through college.
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July 2023 Sales Kit - Financial Independence

July 2023 Sales Kit: Financial Independence

Our July 2023 sales kit will help you talk to clients about creating a future that's financially independent with the help of permanent life insurance.
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June 2023 Sales Kit - Business Planning

June 2023 Sales Kit: Business Planning

Our June 2023 sales kit will help you pair your business-owning clients and prospects with strategies that protect their hard work.
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Pinney Insurance Disability Income Insurance Sales Kit 2023

May 2023 Sales Kit: Disability Income Insurance

Our May 2023 sales kit will help you talk to clients about disability income insurance, which pays out if they get sick or hurt and can't work.
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April 2023 Sales Kit - Income Tax Planning

April 2023 Sales Kit: Income Tax Planning

Our April 2023 sales kit will help you talk to clients and prospects about income tax planning, whether they got a tax refund this year or not.
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March 2023 Sales Kit: Retirement Estate Planning

March 2023 Sales Kit: Retirement & Estate Planning

Our March 2023 sales kit will help you talk to clients and prospects about the role of life insurance in retirement & estate planning.
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February 2023 Sales Kit: Give More Than Love

February 2023 Sales Kit: Give More Than Love

Our February 2023 sales kit will help you use the feel-good vibes of Valentine's Day to talk to prospects about the ultimate expression of love: life insurance.
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January 2023 Sales Kit: Life Insurance as an Asset Class

January 2023 Sales Kit: Life Insurance as an Asset Class

Our January 2023 sales kit will help you show clients that cash value turns life insurance from a product into an asset to round out their portfolio.
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December 2022 Sales Kit - Asset Max & Charitable Giving

December 2022 Sales Kit: Asset Max & Charitable Giving

Our December 2022 sales kit hits two timely topics for your clients this month: maximizing unneeded or underperforming assets and charitable giving.
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November 2022 Long-Term Care Sales Kit

November 2022 Sales Kit: Long-Term Care

Our November 2022 sales kit will help you talk to clients about the cost of long-term care, changing state laws about insurance, and more.
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