June 2023 Sales Kit: Business Planning

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Our June 2023 sales kit will help you talk to clients about protecting their businesses against risks they probably never considered.

Many of your business-owning clients have probably never considered how life insurance can help protect their hard work. Whether they have a side-hustle run as a sole proprietorship or a booming C corporation, they all need to consider what happens if they retire, die, or lose a key employee. Corporate-owned life insurance can protect the business against the death of their superstar sales agent, coder, or CFO. Offering life insurance is also a great benefit that can help reward and retain those key employees, especially when the business provides a bonus that the employee can then use to pay for their policy.

What’s in the Kit

June 2023 Sales Kit: Business Planning

Our free 95-page kit includes:

  • 4 pages of pre-written social media posts & sharable images
  • 41-page client guide to business planning concepts & products
  • 8-page fact finder
  • 2-page guide to types of business entities
  • 2-page guide to business opportunities
  • 8-page client guide/insights on business planning using insurance
  • 12-page client guide to key employee retention
  • 2-page client flyer on key employee benefits
  • 2-page client guide to bridging your key employees' retirement gap
  • 4-page client guide to taxation of owner-employed insurance
  • 4-page client guide to living benefit buy-sell coverage
  • 2-page client guide on cash value surrender strategies
  • 2-page client guide on business succession planning
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How to Use This Month’s Sales Kit

First, browse the guide to get familiar with the big-picture strategies: key employee coverage, employee benefits, buy-sell, and business succession planning. Next, use the 2-page guide that shows you how to spot the best opportunities in your either book of business or your wider prospecting net (p 57-58). Then, put together an approach strategy that pairs your prospect or client with the strategy you feel they're probably overlooking. Use the business's website and social media accounts to get a feel for what they do, where they do it, and who they hire to do it. Use specific information when approaching these clients - show them you've done your homework to earn a meeting.

Get the Kit

Need help with quotes, illustrations, or selecting the right product?

Our Brokerage Managers - Dave and David - can help. They have incredible depth and breadth in terms of product knowledge. Call 800-823-4852 and ask for a brokerage manager, or click the button below to email us!

Insureio Subscribers: Use Our June Marketing Campaign

Are you an Insureio subscriber? If so, you have access to a pre-written marketing campaign for June. It includes five emails for your clients and prospects, pre-scheduled for delivery throughout the month. These five emails focus on general subtopics within business planning, including insuring key employees, using buy-sell agreements, and insuring the life of the business owner.

June 2023 Sales Kit: Business Planning

To preview the campaign:

  • From your left-hand nav menu in Insureio, hover over Marketing and then click Marketing Campaigns.
  • Scroll down and click June Newsletter Series: Business Continuation Planning (Monthly Focus Topic). You'll see the list of pre-scheduled emails. To see what a template looks like, click any of the blue template title links. The template will open up in a new browser tab.

Want to learn more about Insureio marketing campaigns and how to enroll your clients and prospects? Click here to visit the tutorial in the Insureio Academy.

Download Our June 2023 Sales Kit Now!

June 2023 Sales Kit: Business Planning

Get the Kit