Bonus June Sales Kit 2019: Nonqualified Executive Benefit Plans

June 2019 Sales Kit: Nonqualified Executive Benefit Plans

Nonqualified executive benefit plans are a great tool to help employers attract, reward, and retain executives and key employees.
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June 2019 Sales Kit: Business Continuation

June 2019 Sales Kit: Business Continuation

Download our June 2019 sales kit and get sales ideas, producer guides, fact finders, and consumer guides, all about business continuation.
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May 2019 Sales Kit: Disability Income Insurance

May 2019 Sales Kit: Disability Income Insurance

Our May 2019 sales kit for disability insurance contains producer guides, sales ideas, pre-written social media materials, a consumer guide, and more.
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April 2019 Sales Kit: Tax Strategies

April 2019 Sales Kit: Tax Strategies

Our April 2019 sales kit is all about tax strategies, from reducing taxable income to using a tax refund on life insurance.
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March 2019 Sales Kit: Retirement Planning

March 2019 Sales Kit: Retirement Planning

Our March 2019 sales kit has case studies, conversation guides, client profiles & more to help you reach out to clients and talk about retirement planning.
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January 2019 Sales Kit: Life Insurance as an Asset Class

January 2019 Sales Kit: Life Insurance as an Asset Class

Our January 2019 sales kit is all about life insurance as an asset class. It's a great New Year's topic that echoes the many resolutions about finances.
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December 2018 Sales Kit: Asset Maximization and Charitable Giving

December 2018 Sales Kit: Asset Maximization & Charitable Giving

In our December 2018 sales kit, we're talking about asset maximization and charitable giving, relevant to the spirit of the season and the end of the year.
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October Sales Kit 2018: Critical Illness

October 2018 Sales Kit: Critical Illness Insurance

Our October 2018 sales kit is all about critical illness insurance. This free 30-page kit has product info, a premium worksheet, and more.
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August 2018 Sales Kit: Back To School

August 2018 Sales Kit: Back to School

In our August 2018 sales kit, we're talking about college funding. Get tips & tools for talking about life insurance as a source of college funding.
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July Sales Kit 2018: Financial Independence

July 2018 Sales Kit: Financial Independence

Our July 2018 sales kit will help you talk to clients and prospects about what it takes to protect their present, build their future, and leave a legacy.
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