What We're Reading: The 3 Gaps by Hyrum W. Smith

What We're Reading: The 3 Gaps by Hyrum W. Smith

Our focus topic this March is retirement planning, and The 3 Gaps by Hyrum W. Smith seemed like a natural fit. It’s about three key ways we as advisors need to get our lives together before we can help others. Why is this important? Smith uses the familiar analogy of the airline safety drill, where...
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MDRT Agency Principal Series Podcast Episode 2

MDRT Agency Principal Series: Podcast Episode 2

This is the second in the MDRT Agency Principal Series, recorded at NAILBA 34 for agency principals and advisors. In this series, industry leaders share their perspectives on the state of the industry, with tips and takeaways to help you thrive in the changing landscape. Panelists: Moderator...
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What We're Reading: The Road to Character by David Brooks

What We're Reading: The Road to Character by David Brooks

If people of character buy life insurance, what makes someone a person of character? We’re reading The Road to Character by David Brooks to find out.
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MDRT: Focused on Your Success

MDRT Agency Principal Series: Podcast Episode 1

Introducing the MDRT Agency Principal Series, the first in a 5-episode podcast series recorded at NAILBA 34 for agency principals and advisors.
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What We're Reading: Super Better by Jane McGonigal

What We're Reading: SuperBetter by Jane McGonigal

Can you improve your mood, achieve goals, and change your life by acting like you're playing a game? Let's dive into SuperBetter and find out.
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What We're Reading: Giving 2.0 by Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen

What We're Reading: Giving 2.0 by Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen

Tis the season for Giving 2.0 by Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen! We're reading this book to learn more ways to give responsibly, with our time and our money.
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What We're Reading: Mindset by Carol Dweck

What We're Reading: Mindset by Carol Dweck

With Mindset by Carol Dweck, we want to know why some people rise to meet a challenge when others shy away...and how we can make sure we're the former.
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What We're Reading: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

What We're Reading: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

With Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, we want to know what makes successful people a success...and whether we can replicate those conditions.
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What We're Reading: The Wedge by Randy Schwantz

What We're Reading: The Wedge by Randy Schwantz

Here's why we're reading The Wedge...and what we hope to learn about building trust during the sales process. Counter-intuitive based on the title, we know.
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What We're Reading: Less Is More by Jason Jennings

What We're Reading: Less Is More by Jason Jennings

Here's why we're reading Less Is More...and what we hope to learn about the principles of systematization.
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