Still not convinced you should be using social media? Or are you using it, but still doubt its reach? We recently spotted this short, two-minute clip on that dives into how many social media users there are in the United States, broken down by platform, as well as things like how many tweets are sent a day and how many YouTube views per day. Check it out: 10 Social Media Facts and Statistics in USE You Should Know in 2014 --- Ideal Length of a Tweet & Other Social Media Posts Do you know how long you should keep your Facebook or Google+ posts? How about LinkedIn? What Twitter? You get 140 characters as it is, but should you use all of them? According to Buffer, a program you should be using for scheduling social media posts, did some research and provided the best practices from yielded results:
  • Twitter: 100 characters
  • Facebook: Less than 40 characters
  • Google+: Less than 60 characters
  • Headlines: 6 words
  • Email subject line: 28-39 characters
Find out how long your blog posts and individual paragraphs should be by reading the full article here.