September 2023 Sales Kit: Family Life Insurance Planning

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Our September 2023 sales kit will help you talk to clients about using life insurance to plan for their family's future financial security.

This month's kit contains pieces that help you reach out to a variety of clients - grandparents, single clients, parents with a special needs child, millennials, and more. We included a wide variety of needs and client types in this kit to give you ideas for further campaigns, marketing, or even potential specialties for your practice.

What’s in the Kit

September 2023 Sales Kit: Family Life Insurance Planning

Our free 41-page kit includes:

  • 5 pages of text & social media images
  • 2-page Legal & General description + links for their Marketing to Millennials campaign
  • 4-page article on marketing to single clients
  • 2-page whole life case study
  • 4-page article on soft selling life insurance
  • 4-page sales idea: GUL to protect a special needs child
  • 3-page producer guide: beneficiary designation reviews
  • 4-page consumer needs worksheet
  • 4-page consumer brochure you can use as a sales idea: student loan rider
  • 2-page consumer brochure on planning for the unexpected
  • 2-page consumer flyer on life insurance for children
  • 2-page consumer flyer for grandparents on leaving a legacy
  • 1-page consumer flyer on the insurance gap
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How to Use This Month’s Sales Kit

As always, the kit contains social media images & text you can use on a variety of social networks (in horizontal, square, and vertical sizes). The pieces in the kit also have sales ideas to spark ideas for your practice: are there client needs or types of clients you may not have served yet? Or could serve better? Look at the way the carriers sell to clients in these pieces. What concepts or facts tie into marketing you already do? You can use the new facts, stats, or headlines to start a conversation using social media, email, or during client calls and meetings. If you need illustrations or case design help, don't forget - we're just an email or a phone call away.

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Need help with quotes, illustrations, or selecting the right product?

Our Brokerage Managers - Dave and David - can help. They have incredible depth and breadth in terms of product knowledge. Call 800-823-4852 and ask for a brokerage manager, or click the button below to email us!

Insureio Subscribers: Use Our September Marketing Campaign

Are you an Insureio subscriber? If so, you have access to a pre-written marketing campaign for September. It includes four emails for your enrollees, pre-scheduled for delivery throughout the month. These emails focus on life insurance basics: the number of families without insurance, the average cost to raise a child, and why all moms need life insurance. No products or carriers are mentioned; as always, these are purely educational emails.

September 2023 Sales Kit: Family Life Insurance Planning

To preview the campaign:

  • From your left-hand nav menu in Insureio, hover over Marketing and then click Marketing Campaigns.
  • Scroll down and click September Newsletter Series: Life Insurance Basics (Monthly Focus Topic). You'll see the list of pre-scheduled emails. To see what a template looks like, click any of the blue template title links. The template will open up in a new browser tab.

Want to learn more about Insureio marketing campaigns and how to enroll your clients and prospects? Click here to visit the tutorial in the Insureio Academy.

Download Our September 2023 Sales Kit Now!

September 2023 Sales Kit: Family Life Insurance Planning

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