Our November 2021 sales kit is all about helping you start a conversation about long-term care.
Everyone ages. Period. It's universal...so why is it so hard to talk about? Like most things that seem hard at first, talking about aging and the need for care gets easier with practice. This is why you probably need to bring the subject up multiple times with your clients before they'll be ready to have a serious talk about planning for it. Our kit will help you get started.
What’s in the Kit

Our FREE 43-page kit includes:
- 3-page article on Americans' lack of readiness for extended care
- 2-page case study on an LTC rider
- 2-page flyer on indemnity vs. reimbursement
- 2-page sales idea: chronic illness rider
- 2-page flyer on LTC rider vs. chronic illness rider
- 2-page flyer on women's LTC needs
- 2-page fact sheet on women's LTC needs
- 4-page conversation starter for women and LTC
- 2-page sales idea: The SECURE Act
- 2-page sales idea: use income instead of assets to pay for LTC
- 2-page sales idea: use qualified funds to pay for LTC
- 2-page sales idea: annuity-based LTC solutions
- 2-page sales idea: use IRA to pay for LTC
- 12-page guide to asset-based LTC benefits
How to Use This Month’s Sales Kit
We've given you lots of ways to get the conversation started, and lots of tidbits and scripting to use if you need them. Use the data in the Cost of Care Survey information to share relevant statistics for your state. Serve a nationwide audience? Pick two states whose rates vary widely and ask your audience to contact you to see where their state fits in. Sometimes a little friendly competition is all it takes to ignite that little spark of curiosity.
Need help with quotes, illustrations, or selecting the right product?
Our Brokerage Managers - Dave and David - can help. They have incredible depth and breadth in terms of product knowledge. Call 800-823-4852 and ask for a brokerage manager, or click the button below to email us!
Insureio Subscribers: Use Our November Email Marketing Campaign
Are you an Insureio subscriber? If so, you have access to our pre-written marketing campaign for November. It includes four emails for your clients and prospects, pre-scheduled for delivery throughout the month. These four emails focus on the big picture of long-term care insurance: what it is, and how it can protect your client's savings or retirement should an unexpected accident or illness occur. They cover topics like how much care costs, why it's important to plan now, how that plan can help them protect their spouse or the next generation, and why it might be ideal to combine LTC with a life insurance policy.

To preview the campaign:
- From your left-hand nav menu in Insureio, hover over Marketing and then click Marketing Campaigns.
- Scroll down and click November Newsletter Series: Long-Term Care (Monthly Focus Topic). You'll see the list of four pre-scheduled emails. To see what a template looks like, click any of the blue template title links. The template will open up in a new browser tab.
Want to learn more about Insureio marketing campaigns and how to enroll your clients and prospects? Click here to visit the tutorial in the Insureio Academy.
Download Our November 2021 Sales Kit Now!