Computer monitor in front of a digital world map.

Build Your Web Presence in 5 Easy Steps

As the landscape of the industry changes, you recognize that the Internet and social media are major driving factors in the decision-making process of consumers. You also see the writing on the wall: adapt or perish. Many producers make it look so easy. They’ve adapted well and are thriving in the m...
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A skeleton sits at a desk typing on a laptop computer

Web Marketing Terms You Need to Know

Congratulations! You’ve decided to take advantage of what technology has to offer and you’re taking the first steps toward building your web presence. After all, in today’s society, everything is trending toward the web and mobile devices. It’s time to exit the Stone Age and adopt 21st century practi...
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Shreds of paper printed with types of insurance: home owner's, disability, medical, life, automobile.

Creating E-mail Taglines to Cross-Sell Services

There is a huge opportunity for cross-selling and cross-marketing products and services right at your fingertips—e-mail taglines. Taglines can provide a consistent, passive way to solicit additional business, increasing your customer retention and growing your bottom line. From marketing emails to ...
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A businessman working outdoors at a park.

Tech Tip: Utilize Instant Messaging

If you’ve been following the Pinney Insurance Blog, you’ve seen us provide a few tips designed to save you time. From automating your e-mail marketing campaigns to text messaging your clients, we want to help you maximize every second of every minute of your day. The less time you’re wasting on typin...
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A business cheers when looking at his computer.

Tech Tip: Automated E-Mail Marketing

You want to create a sophisticated e-mail marketing campaign — one that allows you to avoid having to send out multiple emails individually by copy and pasting over and over again. It’s heartbreaking when you put in hours, or even days worth of work only to watch as 80 percent (or more!) of those ema...
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A woman looks at her cell phone on the go.

Tech Tip: Text Message Your Clients

Have you ever considered text messaging your current clients or future prospects? If you haven’t, you might want to try it out. Consider this: According to international nonprofit trade association CTIA, over two trillion text messages were sent in 2012. That’s a breakdown of more than 171 billion p...
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Smiling businessman on the phone.

Internet Prospecting Made Easy

Utilizing multiple platforms can drive traffic back to your main page - and your sales quoter. Here's how to get started with internet prospecting.
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The address bar of a web browser.

Websites are the New Business Card

Even after the social media boom of Facebook, Twitter, and others, many producers still aren't using any kind of social strategies to gain leads.
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Twitter's blue bird logo

Using Twitter to Connect with Clients

Your competition is tweeting their way toward new leads every day. Here's how to get started on Twitter and bring some of those leads your way.
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