If you’ve been following this blog and have started implementing our Social Media Plan for Success then you aren’t quite ready to begin phase three just yet. But we want to make it available so you can smoothly transition to the next step without delay.

As always, we also want to take a moment to catch those who haven’t seen this series yet up to speed.

Here’s the background:

We created a 60-day plan for social media success. We’ve used this strategy ourselves and have achieved many benefits from this plan. Hence, we wanted to share it with you.

Before you get started, take a look at what to expect and how to effectively prepare by clickinghere. Once you’re comfortable and ready to officially begin, Phase I will familiarize you with Facebook, LinkedIn and blogging. Next, Phase IIincorporates YouTube and video into your schedule.

Once you finish the first 39 days, there’s one key “chunk” left.

The 60-Day Plan: Phase III Phase III takes what you’ve learned and steps it into hyperdrive. By this point you should be pretty familiar with writing/posting on your blog, sharing on your social sites, uploading video to YouTube, and commenting.

Day 40:  Write a blog article about something related to your niche. Make sure that it is interesting and informative – NOT a sales pitch. Post your blog article and share it on your social media sites. You can also submit it to Digg and StumbleUpon and ask your friends/fans to share/like/comment on it. Day 41-42:  Find one good article or blog post related to your niche and make a comment (preferably with a link back to your website). Share this same article/post with your friends and your social media sites.

Day 43:  Look for video content related to your niche, make a comment, and add it to your channel’s playlist. Share this same video with your friends and your social media sites. Day 44:  Make a short video answering a common question a client or prospect would ask. Remember to keep it informational and interesting. Don’t make it a sales pitch. Keep the video under 3 minutes – less than 2 minutes is even better.

Add your new video to your YouTube playlist and channel. Write a description about it. Be sure to include a link to your website in the description (make sure the link looks like this: http://www.yoursitename.com). Share it on your other social media sites.

Day 45:  Write a blog article mentioning your new video. Be sure to include a link to the video. You should also embed the video into the blog post so it can be viewed directly from your blog. Post your blog article and share it on your social media sites. You can also submit it to Digg and StumbleUpon and ask your friends/fans to like/share/comment on it. Day 46:  Find one good article or blog post related to your niche and make a comment (preferably with a link back to your website). Share this same article/post with your friends and your social media sites. Day 47:  Look for video content related to your niche, make a comment, and add it to your channel’s playlist. Share this same video with your friends and your social media sites. Day 48:  Write a blog article about something related to your niche. Make sure that it is interesting and informative – NOT a sales pitch. Post your blog article and share it on your social media sites. You can also submit it to Digg and StumbleUpon and ask your friends/fans to like/share/comment on it. Day 49:  Find one good article or blog post related to your niche and make a comment (preferably with a link back to your website). Share this same article/post with your friends and your social media sites. Day 50:  Make a short video answering a common question a client or prospect would ask. Remember to keep it informational and interesting. Don’t make it a sales pitch. Keep the video under 3 minutes – less than 2 minutes is even better.

Add your new video to your YouTube playlist and channel. Write a description about it. Be sure to include a link to your website in the description (make sure the link looks like this: http://www.yoursitename.com). Share it on your other social media sites.

Day 51:  Write a blog article mentioning your new video. Be sure to include a link to the video. You should also embed the video into the blog post so it can be viewed directly from your blog. Post your blog article and share it on your social media sites. You can also submit it to Digg and StumbleUpon and ask your friends/fans to like/share/comment on it.

Day 52:  Find one good article or blog post related to your niche and make a comment (preferably with a link back to your website). Share this same article/post with your friends and your social media sites.

Day 53:  Look for video content related to your niche, make a comment, and add it to your channel’s playlist. Share this same video with your friends and your social media sites.

Day 54:  Write a blog article about something related to your niche. Make sure that it is interesting and informative – NOT a sales pitch. Post your blog article and share it on your social media sites. You can also submit it to Digg and StumbleUpon and ask your friends/fans to like/share/comment on it.

Day 55:  Find one good article or blog post related to your niche and make a comment (preferably with a link back to your website). Share this same article/post with your friends and your social media sites.

Day 56:  Make a short video answering a common question a client or prospect would ask. Remember to keep it informational and interesting. Don’t make it a sales pitch. Keep the video under 3 minutes – less than 2 minutes is even better.

Add your new video to your YouTube playlist and channel. Write a description about it. Be sure to include a link to your website in the description (make sure the link looks like this: http://www.yoursitename.com). Share it on your other social media sites.

Day 57:  Write a blog article mentioning your new video. Be sure to include a link to the video. You should also embed the video into the blog post so it can be viewed directly from your blog. Post your blog article and share it on your social media sites. You can also submit it to Digg and StumbleUpon and ask your friends/fans to like/share/comment on it.

Day 58:  Find one good article or blog post related to your niche and make a comment (preferably with a link back to your website). Share this same article/post with your friends and your social media sites.

Day 59:  Look for video content related to your niche, make a comment, and add it to your channel’s playlist. Share this same video with your friends and your social media sites.

Day 60:  Write a blog article about something related to your niche. Make sure that it is interesting and informative – NOT a sales pitch. Post your blog article and share it on your social media sites. You can also submit it to Digg and StumbleUpon and ask your friends/fans to share/like/comment on it.

Congratulations! You have finished the 60 Day Social Media Success Plan!!!

But why stop there? Continue doing the things you learned in this plan and you will continue to see great success, drive more traffic, and gain more followers and potential clients. If you would like a plan for moving forward, just repeat phase three of the plan indefinitely.

The key is to be consistent and provide value.

Bonus Tip #1: How to Become an Expert Source

HOT PR TIP #1: Sign up for HERO – Help Every Reporter Out is a free service that connects sources with journalists. You can sign up to become a source here. You'll have access to requests from journalists that you can answer, if you have the knowledge or recommendations they're looking for.

HOT PR TIP #2: Sign up for PitchRate.com – Just like HARO, PitchRate.com is a free service that provides daily updates of media sources looking for topic and subject matter experts. I have used this one to guest blog and be booked on several national and regional radio programs.

Bonus #2: How to Find Additional Content from Blogs and Other Sources

BLOG TIP: Need additional post or reference content? Can’t find what you want? Try IceRocket.com! It is a specialized search engine that scans millions of online discussions worldwide in over 100,000 boards, forums and other discussion based resources. IceRocket scans blogs and social media too. It is a great way to find ordinary people talking about your topics.