Every month, Google sends us a short list of keywords people used to find our website.
For the past two months, "insurance newsletter ideas" has made that list. Clearly, this is a topic advisors want help with – so let’s dive in.
Overall, the key to sending a good newsletter is matching quality content with subjects your audience wants to hear about in a visually pleasing way. We talked about these elements in our post titled “How to Send a Newsletter Clients Actually Want to Read.”
If you’ve mastered those basics but are still running short on ideas for your newsletter, here's a renewable list you can pull from time and time again. We’ll run through a list of topics, and then a list of sources you can use for information on these topics.
No matter which ideas you choose, make sure they’re delivered in your style. If your newsletter is informal, for example, keep your tone light even when you’re talking about, say, tax code updates.
Jump to a section:
Timely Topics
Local Topics
Industry & Finance News
Government News
Pop Culture Tie-Ins
Personal Updates
Technology Updates
Agency Updates
Resource Links
Timely Topics
- Have you downloaded our 2023 Social Media Calendar? There are 5-8 ideas per month in this calendar, ranging from the useful (tax day is coming) to the silly (Talk Like a Pirate Day). Feel free to add them to your newsletter or expand on them to create your top story. Click here to download it.
- Awareness months. We included plenty of these on the social media calendar linked above, but there are always more. Think about your book of business – what health conditions do you *know* your clients have? Chances are, there’s an awareness month for that condition. Include resources, anecdotes, or personal experience that a client or subscriber might find helpful.
- Holidays. Is there a holiday coming up? Will it affect your office hours or availability? You can also share how you celebrate that holiday, if you want to let your subscribers get a peek behind the scenes.
- Seasonal reminders. Be helpful! Include reminders about common household tasks you want your clients to do, whether or not they involve insurance. Examples: testing and changing smoke detector batteries, checking weather stripping, checking air pressure in car tires, swapping old lightbulbs for more efficient bulbs, etc.
Local Topics
- Upcoming events. If you serve a local clientele, include a list of things going on that are free or low-cost to attend. Local news station websites often have an event calendar, and free regional weekly papers are a great source for cultural events.
- Family-friendly events. Are there well-baby events going on near you in the upcoming weeks? A new park or trail opening? A community trunk-or-treat or Easter egg hunt? Google “your town name + local event calendar” and see what interesting things you can find for your clients and their kids to do in the near future.
- Business shout-outs. Do you have business-owning clients? If so, start collecting information about them - when they were founded, what they offer, etc. You can give them shout-outs in your newsletter on important anniversaries or just because. You can also share local business recommendations that have nothing to do with your clients.
- School shout-outs. Did a local high school just win a football championship? Did a student place in the National Merit Scholarship competition? Your local newspaper (or their website) is a great source of info on local school shout-outs you can give to stay connected with the community.
- Definitions. Insurance is confusing – but you’ve probably forgotten *how* confusing the jargon can be. Consider including a definition in each issue of your newsletter. Don’t expect your clients to remember it, but it may answer a question or spark a new one they want to ask you about. You can also be a little salesy with this, and include a standard definition followed by your take on it. For example, if you define “indexed IUL,” add your two cents – who is this product best for? If you need a place to start, try Investopedia's Financial Terms Dictionary.
- Thought-provoking questions. Consider leaving your clients with a new question each month. For example: if stock market returns averaged 2% for the next 15 years due to repeated boom-and-bust cycles, how would your retirement portfolio be affected? If your spouse got disabled for 6 months as of tomorrow, what would you do?
- Answers to common client questions. You get asked questions all the time – but do you stop and collect them so you can use them in your newsletter? If not, start doing that right now, and you can dip into this question bank whenever you need something to cover.
- Questions your clients have asked over the past month. This is similar, but a little more focused. This is most helpful when deadlines are looming: at the end of the year, during open enrollment, and during tax time. Questions like this might include how much grandparents can gift to grandkids up to the gift tax exemption, or how to reduce tax liability by contributing to a 401(k) before the federal income tax deadline in April.
- Van Mueller’s Go-To Sites: If you read the Van Mueller newsletter regularly, you know he frequently uses stats from the websites below. Spend five minutes browsing them and pull out a new stat as you’re working on your newsletter. If you can comment on it, all the better. If not, just include it as a general-interest topic.
Check out our Van Mueller newsletter archive here:

Industry & Finance News
- Consumer finance news. General consumer finance info is easy to find at many of the resources listed below. Is there a scam alert you can share? A financial trend? Something that’s on the news but might not make sense to your clients (like bitcoin or non-fungible tokens)? If you can add commentary, do it and keep it brief.
- Insurance industry news. While consumers probably don’t care about the insurance industry – other than how it pertains to them – you see things differently. The next time you browse the resource sites listed in the bottom of this post, think about what you can share. Can you use a tidbit or article to point out interesting trends? Even if the stories you highlight aren’t talking about types of insurance you cover (flood insurance or travel insurance, for example), you can use them to gauge your audience’s interest. Do enough people ask about travel insurance that it’s worth finding a partner for referrals?
- Retirement and stock market news. Even if you don’t have many clients interested in retirement planning, feeding them tidbits about the smart moves other planners are making can get them interested over time. Browse the resources below for headlines about market trends and add your own two cents.
Government News
- Tax code updates. Everyone has questions about income taxes. Has the standard deduction changed? How about the gift tax threshold? If you can’t answer these questions, consider linking to trusted resources that do. Better yet, partner with a CPA to get tips to share with your audience.
- Pandemic-related updates, like the CARES Act. What do clients need to know about unemployment, PPP loans, and stimulus payments? You can report on these high-level events without seeming partisan – you’re just there to help clients get the information they need.
Pop Culture Tie-Ins
- What TV shows or movies referenced life insurance? It happens more often that you’d expect. Start jotting it down when this happens and mention it in your next newsletter – especially if the show got something wrong.
- What TV shows or movies made you think, “Man, they really need life insurance”? Share this with your audience. It’s a fun way to bring insurance to life – and give your audience a glimpse of how you see the world.
- What real-life celeb quotes or situations made you think of insurance? Maybe it’s an athlete who’d be hard to insure thanks to a dangerous hobby. Maybe it’s a recent weight loss that could help a celebrity pay less for life insurance. We all watch sports, TV, movies, and YouTube videos – keep an eye out for people and situations you react to as an agent, and share those. Give your subscribers a glimpse of something they’re familiar with, but seen through a new light.
Personal Updates
- What inspired you this week or month? You’re an advisor, but you’re also a real person – and so are your clients and prospects. Build a sense of connection by revealing little pieces of your work and/or personal life, depending on what you’re comfortable with. Quotes, podcast episodes, memes, books you read, shows you watched – all of these are great content for a newsletter.
- What are you working on? Give subscribers a peek behind the curtain – what’s it like to be an agent or run an insurance agency? This doesn’t have to be extensive. It could be a bullet list or a quick couple sentences describing your week or month: doing annual reviews, or getting people educated about MedSupp policies prior to open enrollment, for example. Maybe you helped a client with diabetes get life insurance coverage, or you helped someone who’d been turned down previously get a final expense policy. These might seem like small things to you, but you never know who’s listening – or if they know someone who also needs that kind of help.
- What are you working toward? This is a big-picture question that gives more of the 10,000-foot view of what you do. What’s your goal? Why did you get into the industry in the first place? What valuable lessons have you learned? What do you enjoy most? Where do you want to be in five or 10 years? Sharing your goals helps create a back-and-forth relationship that can make it easier for clients to open up with you with it comes time to talk about things like their dreams and goals for retirement.
Technology Updates
- What new apps are interesting or helpful? We all try out new apps, tech tools, and websites - so why not share the ones you like? They don’t have to be insurance or finance-related, either. The goal is simply to be helpful.
- What new devices are you using or enjoying? Did you just update to a smart fridge? Or get a new phone? Or listen to a podcast on your smart speaker? If technology is an interest of yours, why not share your personal picks?
- What new technology are you learning about? If you’re interested in technology, chances are you heard about it before you tried it for yourself. What’s caught your interest lately? AI? Electric trucks? Whatever it is, having a new interest is something that may also interest your subscribers.
Agency Updates
- Employee Profile. If you manage an agency, spotlight an employee every now and then. It helps present a more complete picture of your business. For clients, it can help put a face to the voice that answers the phone or helped them fill out their application.
- New Hires. Welcome new hires the right way – by introducing them (virtually) to your clients and prospects! We do this in our office with an internal newsletter. We ask new employees a few questions about their interests, kids, and pets, and use it to introduce them to everyone. It’s a great way for your audience to find common ground with someone they might meet by doing business with you.
- New Resources. Did you publish a new blog post? Create a new tip sheet? Write a new list of questions to ask about retirement planning? Post a new YouTube video? Include any resources you created in the next newsletter. If you haven’t published anything new lately but want to breathe new life into an older piece, include it as a refresher or “blast from the past” – but be sure you look it over beforehand to ensure it’s still up-to-date.
General Resources to Use for Ideas
Several of the idea categories above require a bit of searching on your part. You probably already read industry publications, but if you need a quick list of fail-safe options for finance and insurance news, check out the list below.
- Barrons.com
- CNBC Business News
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Newsroom
- FDIC Consumer News
- Financial Advisor magazine website
- The Motley Fool's podcast collection
- Forbes.com
- InsuranceJournal.com/news
- InsuranceNewsNet.com
- InvestmentNews.com
- Investopedia.com
- Kiplinger.com
- MarketWatch.com
- ThinkAdvisor.com
- US News Money
That’s our look at insurance newsletter ideas!
Share your ideas in the comments - let's make this a place chock-full of inspiration.