Start the new year off right with our 2020 social media calendar. Posting more often is a great way to start a conversation and build a relationship with clients and prospects online.
We hope you enjoyed last year's 2019 social media calendar. To help you stay on top of social media in 2020, here's an updated version of that calendar with plenty of new events added. If you already have a schedule or ideas for what to post, use them! This list is a handy backup if you run out of ideas, or are pressed for time. We’ve included insurance events like Life Insurance Awareness Month, plus the most well-known hashtags and internet-friendly holidays (like Pi Day on March 14th).
Ways to Use This Calendar
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Weekly Hashtags
If there's nothing on the schedule for a particular day and you want to post, you can always use one of these hashtags. Use them with text, pictures, or video on any social media network. They're especially important on Instagram, if that's one of your active social networks. We included five hashtags per day of the week, which will get you through the entire month.
Not sure which social media networks are right for your agency? Read this post for tips and data-backed strategies for choosing where to focus.
Post a quick text update, a selfie, an inspirational quote, a factoid, tell followers what you’re working on, or provide a financial tip. You can even share someone else's post - tell your followers who your mentors are! Your post doesn't have to be fancy. The point is to share your ideas and point of view with your prospects and clients on a consistent basis.
- #mondaymotivation
- #mondaymorning
- #mindfulmonday
- #mondayfunday
- #mondaymuse
- #tuesdaytip
- #tuesdaytruth
- #tuesdayvibes
- #transformationtuesday
- #tuesdaytreat
- #wednesdaywisdom
- #wednesdayworkout
- #wellnesswednesday
- #wednesdaywords
- #wednesdaynight
- #throwbackthursday or #tbt
- #thursdaythoughts
- #thursdayvibes
- #thursdaymood
- #thursdayfun
- #feelgoodfriday
- #fridayfeeling
- #fridayfun
- #fearlessfriday
- #fridayflow
- #saturdaymorning
- #saturdayfunday
- #saturdaystyle
- #saturdayshenanigans
- #saturdayswag
- #sundaymorning
- #sundaymood
- #sundaybest
- #sundayfunday
- 1st: New Year’s Day. Are you making a resolution this year? What did you learn last year that will make this one even better? #NewYear2020
- 14th: Organize Your Home Day. Get rid of that clutter in the garage! Donate unused clothing, home décor, furniture, and more. And post a picture of yourself doing it to inspire your clients to organize their homes, too. Bonus points if you offer a free financial organization check-up meeting by phone or video conference! #OrganizeYourHomeDay
- 20th: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Don't let this inspirational holiday pass you by. Click here to see Google’s results for quotes from King and post your favorite. #MLKDay2020
- 27th: Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day. I kid you not, this is a real thing. Scrounge a piece of bubble wrap from a recent delivery package and post a pic or vid of you popping the heck out of those bubbles! Or post about a new use you’ve discovered for bubble wrap that goes beyond packaging breakable items. #BubbleWrapAppreciationDay #bubblewrap
- 31st: New Year’s Resolution Update. Ask your followers if they’re keeping up with their resolution. If you made a resolution, share your progress…be honest! #NewYearsResolution
- 2nd: Groundhog Day AND Super Bowl Sunday. It’s a two-fer: the biggest football game day in America and the day we find out whether we get an early spring. Share your predictions for both events! If you’re using a business or commercial account to post, consider calling it “the big game,” “championship game,” or “championship Sunday” because of the NFL’s vigilance about their copyright. You can’t use the name if there’s any affiliation, endorsement, or sponsorship implied. You can, however, use the name through the “trademark fair use” doctrine if you’re not identifying any products or services. #SuperBowl #NFL #GroundhogDay
- 7th: National Wear Red Day. Wear red today to support women’s heart health. Nearly 80% of cardiac events can be prevented, yet cardiovascular diseases continue to be a woman’s greatest health threat. Wear red today and ask your followers to learn the warning signs of stroke and symptoms of heart disease. For more info, check out GoRedForWomen.org. #WearRedDay
- 9th: Academy Awards. And the Oscar for Best Picture goes to...which movie? Make your predictions before the ceremony that night, and ask your followers what their favorite movies of the year are. #Oscars #AcademyAwards
- 12th: Lincoln's Birthday. You can't go wrong with a quote from or story about Honest Abe. Click here to see Google's results for Lincoln quotes and pick your favorite. #LincolnsBirthday #HonestAbe
- 14th: Valentine’s Day. You don’t need a sweetheart to celebrate this holiday. A friend or family member can be your Valentine, too! It’s also a good time to reshare content from the LifeHappens Insure Your Love campaign. #ValentinesDay
- 29th: Leap Year. There’s one extra day this calendar year – what will you do with it? Challenge your followers to do something generous for someone else. Or remind them that an extra calendar day gives them more time to shop for life insurance! #LeapYear2020
- 2nd: Read Across America Day. Today (March 2nd) is also Dr. Seuss’s birthday! Post about your favorite Dr. Seuss book and ask your followers to do the same. Or share a quick video of you reading a line from your favorite book or poem. Want more ideas? Check out ReadAcrossAmerica.org. #ReadAcrossAmerica #DrSeuss #DrSeussBirthday
- 8th: International Women’s Day. Which women in your life have inspired you to be a better person? Give them a shout-out and ask your followers to do the same. #IWD2020
- 8th: Daylight Savings Begins. It's time to spring forward! Remind your followers to set their clocks forward one hour. To spur conversation, ask what they would have done with that lost hour, or what they're looking forward to most about more daylight in the evening. #SpringForward #timechange
- 13th: Friday the 13th. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, take advantage of it on social media. People think of Friday the 13th as a "bad luck" day...but is it? Share your experience. Or, if you're a horror movie fan, share your favorite quotes and moments from the Friday the 13th franchise. #Friday13th
- 14th: Pi Day. Today is 3/14, also known as Pi Day. Pi (the Greek letter “π”) is a symbol used in math to represent the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. On Pi Day, people often post videos of themselves reciting as many digits as they can of Pi, or simply eating pie. For more info, check out PiDay.org. #PiDay
- 17th: St. Patrick’s Day. Post a picture of yourself wearing green! Or add some green décor to your office and shoot a quick cell phone video wishing everyone a happy St. Patrick’s Day. #StPatricksDay #StPaddysDay #LuckOfTheIrish #SaintPatricksDay
- 29th: National Vietnam War Veterans Day. This holiday was made official in 2017. It’s the day to thank and honor our Vietnam veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice. Nine million Americans served with the U.S. Armed Forces between November 1, 1955 and May 15, 1975. #VietnamVets #Veterans #ThankYouVets
- 1st: April Fools Day. Today’s the day to have a little fun – but don’t scare your clients! Big companies often announce fake products or acquisitions. In 2019, Honda Canada pranked us with the “Polite Horn” and LEGO offered the “Find my brick” app. How about announcing a new life insurance risk class for Jedi knights or shoot-‘em-up heroes like John Wick? Whatever you choose, have fun! #AprilFools #AprilFoolsDay
- 3rd: National Walk to Work Day. If you live close to the office, why not make a quick smartphone video while you walk there today? Encourage your followers to do the same. Walking keeps you active and healthy, and healthy people pay less for life insurance! It's a win/win. #NationalWalkToWorkDay
- 15th: Tax Day. Chances are some clients are feeling the stress of tax season. You could share a picture of something calming – a landscape, a cute kid, or a baby animal. If people are feeling the sting, ask them to come to you for insurance and financial solutions to make sure next year runs a little more smoothly! #TaxDay #TaxPreparation #TaxRefund
- 22nd: Earth Day. This is Earth Day’s 50th anniversary! The year’s theme is “Climate Action.” The Global Advisory Committee for Earth Day includes Leonardo DiCaprio, so check his Instagram feed for inspiration, quotes, stats, and more. Share your thoughts or photos and ask your followers to do the same. #EarthDay2020
- 23rd: National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. Can take your child to work today? We hope so! If you’re comfortable sharing a picture of you together in the office, go for it. If you’re not, you could share a drawing your child made at work. For those who can’t take a child to work (or don’t have kids), do a Google search for “Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work” and share one of the heartwarming stories you find. #TODASTW #takeyourchildtoworkday
- ALL MONTH: National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. The President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition and Healthfinder.gov have teamed up to offer pre-written tweets for you – click here to get them. #GetActive
- 4th: Star Wars Day (May the 4th Be With You). Today’s the day to drop your favorite Star Wars quote onto social media. Who’s your favorite character? What’s your favorite line? If you’re not a fan, you can ask your followers to share their favorite Star Wars moments. #StarWarsDay #MayThe4th
- 10th: Mother’s Day. This one’s a no-brainer! Share a special message for your mom, and all of your partners and clients who are moms. Be sure to say thank you for everything they do – and show you appreciate how hard they work! #MothersDay #mother #love #family #motherhood
- 20th: Be a Millionaire Day. The point of this day is to think about what you need to do to become a millionaire – what outlook and strategies do millionaires use to be successful? This day is perfect for dropping some financial planning advice and information on cash value life insurance. #BeaMillionaireDay
- 25th: Memorial Day. Show your patriotic side by remembering those who gave their lives while serving in America’s military. If you have a friend or relative who died in combat, consider sharing their story. If you don’t, you can share what’s going on in your community – many have parades or ceremonies to honor local heroes. #MemorialDay
- 1st: Say Something Nice Day. This one is super-easy to participate in. Just post a message where you say something nice about someone in your life – a client, a friend, a family member, a teacher, a mentor, or all of the above. Be sure you tag that person if they’re on social media and ask them to pay it forward. #SaySomethingNiceDay
- 5th: National Donut Day. Bring a dozen donuts into the office today and share them with your staff. Don't forget to snap a pic and post it - and ask your followers what their favorite donut/donut shop is...or whether they spell the word "donut" or "doughnut." #NationalDonutDay #NationalDoughnutDay
- 6th: D-Day, World War II. Seventy-five years ago on this day in 1944, Allied troops launched a massive invasion of France from the beaches of Normandy. American troops landed on Omaha and Utah beaches. This is a great time to thank the men and women who fought for our country during World War II. #DDay #WWII #DDay75
- 15th: Nature Photography Day. Created by the North American Nature Photography Association, this is a day to share your best nature photos. Take an extra minute at home or on the way to work to find something beautiful – a leaf, a bird, an animal, a flower, etc., and share it on social media. #NaturePhotographyDay
- 20th: Longest Day of the Year. This one’s also a no-brainer. Snap a picture of what you'll do with your time on the longest day. Ask your audience how they'll spend their time today. Bonus points for encouraging healthy habits like exercising and cooking a healthy meal, all steps that will help them stay fit and save on their life insurance. #longestday
- 21st: Father’s Day. Tell dads everywhere they’re appreciated! If you have a personal story to share about your dad, that’s ideal. If not, pick someone who acted like a father figure for you and thank them for what they add to your life. #FathersDay #father #love #family #fatherhood
- 4th: Independence Day. What does freedom mean to you? You can share your thoughts, or post pictures you have of American landmarks. If you’ve ever visited Independence Hall, Mount Vernon, or a Revolutionary War battlefield, now’s the time to post and share your impressions and photos. #FourthOfJuly #July4 #IndependenceDay
- 7th: Tell the Truth Day. This one is easy to participate in – just post something with an honest confession. Keep it positive, uplifting, or funny – you could tell the truth about drinking the last of the milk and putting the carton back in the fridge, or you could tug at your followers’ heartstrings and share how you wish you’d gotten to know someone better who has since passed away. #TellTheTruthDay
- 11th: Free Slurpee Day. Since 2002, 7-Eleven has been using this day (7/11) to give away one free small Slurpee per person. Stop by during the day and post a picture of your flavor choice. Tell your followers to get their free Slurpee and share their favorite flavor. #FreeSlurpeeDay
- 18th: Insurance Nerd Day. Pioneer State Mutual Insurance Company declared Insurance Nerd Day back in 2016 to help combat the lack of interest in the insurance industry. The point is to encourage people to break the stereotype that our industry is boring. Share something you love about working in the insurance industry – helping people is a great way to go for this one. #InsuranceNerdDay
- 22nd: National Hot Dog Day. This one's easy - it calls for a picture of a hot dog with all your favorite condiments. Bonus points for a messy selfie of you eating said hot dog. Don't have a hot dog handy? Ask your followers about their favorite toppings and the best place to get a hot dog nearby. #NationalHotDogDay
- 24th: Tell an Old Joke Day. Why did the chicken cross the road? Hit your followers with your best chicken-crossing or knock-knock joke. If it’s old, it’s time to bring that joke back and reshare it on social media. #TellAnOldJokeDay
- 2nd: National Coloring Book Day. Adult coloring books have become a publishing phenomenon over the past few years. This makes National Coloring Book Day appropriate for all ages! Coloring is a soothing way to de-stress, as well as express creativity. Today's the day to indulge and share a photo of your beautiful results. Don't have a coloring book handy? Here's a list of free coloring printables. #NationalColoringBookDay
- 8th: International Cat Day. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, cats are HUGE on social media. If you’re a cat person, you don’t need another reason to post an adorable pic of your pet. If you’re not, how about posting something about your favorite cartoon or fictional cat? Garfield, Felix, Thundercats, the Aristocats, the Cheshire Cat – there are so many to choose from! #CatDay #Kitty #CatLover #CatLife #LoveCats
- 10th: National Lazy Day. Which chore are you happiest to give up? What’s your favorite thing to do on a lazy day? Share it! #LazyDay
- 13th: Left Hander's Day. Are you a lefty? How about someone in your office or family? Give them some props today for enduring all those right-handed desks and notebooks. Only about 10% of the population is left handed. Famous lefties include Julius Caesar, Joan of Arc, Napoleon, Mahatma Gandhi, and Queen Elizabeth II. #LeftHandersDay
- 21st: National Senior Citizens Day. Today's the day to celebrate our seniors! Ronald Reagan declared this day a holiday in 1988. We can celebrate by telling the seniors in your life how much they mean to you. How have they influenced you? Who, in particular, is responsible for your mindset, success, or positive attitude? #NationalSeniorCitizensDay
- 26th: Dog Day. International Cat Day not your thing? Today, dog lovers, is for you. The day was created to encourage people to rescue dogs from shelters, as well as to honor working dogs who help law enforcement, the disabled, the blind, and people who need the extra comfort of a therapy dog. Share snaps of your pooch, or tell your followers what your favorite breed is and ask them to share theirs. #DogDay
- ALL MONTH: Fruits & Veggies - More Matters Month. Spread the word about the importance of healthy eating! The USDA has ready-made messaging for you – click here to access it. #HealthyHabits
- 6th: Fight Procrastination Day. What tasks have you been putting off? Pick one and tell your followers the steps you’re taking to tackle it today – and encourage them to do the same. Maybe they’ve been procrastinating in getting life insurance. Now’s a great time to offer to help them with that! #FightProcrastinationDay
- 13th: Fortune Cookie Day. Today’s the day to grab a fortune cookie and share the words of wisdom and advice you find inside. Are they relevant or accurate? #FortuneCookieDay
- 19th: Talk Like a Pirate Day. How did this happen? We’re not sure, but on this day every year now, people say things like “shiver me timbers” and “walk the plank.” It’s fun, it’s silly, and it’s easy to participate in. Click here for a pirate glossary and pirate name generator. #TalkLikeAPirateDay
- 28th: National Neighbor Day. This one’s a fun one! Celebrate a neighbor in any way you want. It might be your next-door neighbor, or a business next to yours. Taking a bigger picture, how about celebrating one of America's neighbors? Whatever neighbor means to you, take a moment to celebrate the relationships that bind neighbors together. #NationalNeighborDay
- ALL MONTH: National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Healthfinder.gov and collaborating organizations have another awareness kit for you this month, complete with pre-written tweets for you – click here to get it. #BreastCancerAwareness #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth
- 2nd: World Smile Day. This one's super easy to participate in! Just smile, snap a selfie, and post it. Ask your followers to do the same. Smiling is contagious, and it can help lift a gloomy mood. Share those good vibes today! #WorldSmileDay
- 5th: World Teachers Day. Shine a light on how a great teacher can inspire you to be your best. Who are some of the teachers who encouraged or inspired you? Thank them publicly and encourage your followers to do the same. #TeachersDay #ThankATeacher
- 12th: National Savings Day. Today is a great day to reach out to your social media followers, as well as your mailing list. It's a day to encourage them to take control of their finances. Ideas include setting up an automatic monthly transfer from checking to savings, checking their credit report, or getting a quote for an annuity. #NationalSavingsDay
- 15th: Get Smart about Credit Day. Established by the American Bankers Association, the point of this day is the help young people be smart about credit before it’s too late. Share credit management tips online and ask followers to share them with their older kids who are just starting to establish their credit. #GetSmartAboutCreditDay
- 20th: International Sloth Day. Created by the non-profit foundation AIUNAU, International Sloth Day is designed to raise awareness about the endangered sloth. This is a great excuse to search for “sloth” on YouTube and find a cute video to share. #SlothDay #SlothNation #SlothLover #SlothLove
- 31st: Halloween. Show your followers your costume! Or your pet’s costume. Or your office’s spooky décor. If you’re not into photos, tell them a quick scary story, or a memory about Halloween from your childhood, or drop a quote from your favorite scary movie. #Halloween #Halloween2020
- ALL MONTH: American Diabetes Month. Healthfinder.gov and the American Diabetes Association have an awareness kit for the month that contains pre-written tweets. Click here to get it. #DiabetesAwarenessMonth
- 3rd: Election Day. No matter what your political affiliation, it’s time to exercise your right to vote! Remind your followers to get out before work, on a lunch break, after work, or during work with their employer’s permission to cast their ballot and make their voice heard. #Election2020 #Vote2020
- 5th: National Men Make Dinner Day. This is a day for men who fear the kitchen, or aren't very good at cooking (and don't do it often, as a result). It's about getting over the fear and the inconvenience to give the people in your life one home-cooked meal. Who in your life fits this description? Share the day with them, or tag them a week in advance so they have time to prepare. Get more info here. #NationalMenMakeDinnerDay
- 11th: Veterans Day. Show your patriotic side! Share a message of thanks and appreciation for those who have fought to help keep our country free. You could also share local events your followers might be interested in, or interview a veteran if there’s one in your family or book of business who’d like to talk about their service. #VeteransDay #ThankAVet
- 13th: Friday the 13th. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, take advantage of it on social media. People think of Friday the 13th as a "bad luck" day...but is it? Share your experience. Or, if you're a horror movie fan, share your favorite quotes and moments from the Friday the 13th franchise. #Friday13th
- 19th: Play Monopoly Day. Most of us have spent a rainy day playing Monopoly. If you haven’t, now’s the time to try it. Dust off that old board game box, decide if you want to be the shoe or the thimble, and try to build that hotel on Boardwalk! Snap a pic or share your favorite Monopoly memory and ask your followers to do the same. #PlayMonopolyDay
- 26th: Thanksgiving. It’s that time of year again! Wish your clients a safe and happy holiday…and, if politics are too divisive in their family, give them a few topics to talk about instead, like life insurance! #HappyThanksgiving
- 1st: National Day of Giving. After all the crazy spending we did on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, it’s time to put a little of that money to charitable use. Today’s the day to donate to organizations that help others – as little as $1 can make a big difference! Share ideas for places to donate, or ask your audience where they prefer to give. #GivingTuesday
- 3rd: International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Created by the United Nations in 1992, this day encourages us to try to better understand the experiences of people with a disability. To participate, share tips for creating a more inclusive workspace. Click here for a sharable graphic promoting this day and disability inclusion. #DisabilityDay #disabilityawareness #inclusion #disabilityadvocate #disabilityrights
- 8th: Brownie Day. If you work in an office, here’s a great reason to have a brownie bake-off. Or ask for brownie recipes you can share with your followers. Or ask followers to share the place to get the best local home-baked brownies. Be creative! #BrownieDay
- 11th: Lost and Found Day. Lost something? Post about it today! Found something you’re not sure who it belongs to? Post about it! The point is to make connections between people as much as it is to try and find a home for lost items. #LostFoundDay
- 18th: National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. Today's the day to wear that ugly Christmas sweater and post a pic on social. Better yet, have an office "Ugly Christmas Sweater" contest and have your followers vote on the winner! #UglyChristmasSweater #UglyChristmasSweaterDay
- 24th/25th: Christmas Eve/Day. Wish your clients a safe and happy holiday! Share photos of your Christmas tree, office décor, or snowy weather outside. If you don’t want to share personal information, you can link to Google’s Santa Tracker. #MerryChristmas #Christmas2020
- NOTE: You may also want to add Hanukkah (10th-18th), Festivus (23rd) and/or Kwanzaa (26th-1st) to your posting schedule.
- 31st: New Year’s Eve. Woo-hoo…out with the old and in with the new! Wish your clients a fantastic new year, and tell them you can’t wait to help them achieve their financial goals in 2020. #NewYearsEve
That’s our list of 2020 social media calendar starters!
Do you have any special occasions or holidays that have been a hit on social media? Tell us in the comments!