To help your clients plan for the future, you’ll need to talk about long-term care. At least 70% of people over age 65 are going to need it, according to – and the cost of care is rising every year. The yearly Genworth Cost of Care survey tracks year-to-year and 5-year increases in the different types of care, from homemaker services to home health aides to adult day care. From 2014 to 2015, for example, the cost of adult day care rose 5.94%. That far outpaces inflation, and can eat through a client’s retirement savings pretty quickly. It’s our job not to let that happen. We’ll provide the LTC quotes and policy details – you provide your clients with a place to bring their financial worries. Together, let’s help them secure their assets against the rising cost of long-term care.

Get a Quote

Our Long-Term Care Carriers

Here are our most popular individual LTC carriers:

  • Mutual of Omaha
  • Genworth
  • Transamerica


Need a quick reference? We've got you covered. Don't forget that November is Long-Term Care Awareness Month. If you have clients nearing retirement, that's a great time to reach out.

Need Help?

Have a long-term care case you need help with? Let us help with illustrations and underwriting support. Final premiums for LTC policies are based on factors including gender, age, health, and history. We can help you present your client’s case in the best possible light.

  • Call us at 1-800-823-4852 and ask to speak to a brokerage director.
  • Click here to email us.

Take Long-Term Care to the Next Level - Become a Pinney Partner

Selling LTC can be difficult, but often, the right solution for a client requires a full picture of their retirement portfolio. It may be better to exchange an old life insurance policy for one that includes a long-term care rider, for example. We’re all about helping agents provide more services, more options, and more solutions to their clients. The more we know about combining and leveraging these products, the better we can help protect our clients from the cost of convalescent care. Let’s work together to help more clients and prospects. Our agency offers application fulfillment, case design, marketing support, and best-in-class technology solutions to make selling faster and easier.

  • Click here to download our media kit with executive bios, services, contact info, and more.
  • Take Insureio for a test drive. It’s our proprietary CRM, designed by life insurance agents for life insurance agents.