Welcome! We have plenty of free resources for life insurance agents that can help you grow your business.
From sales kits to downloadable templates for customer profiles and more, we've got you covered. If you need help implementing any of the strategies you see here, ask us! We're happy to help. Click here to contact us, or call us at 1-800-823-4852 and ask to speak to a brokerage manager.

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Agency Kits
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Sales Kits
Agency Kits

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PGI Advanced Markets Resource Center

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Sales Kits

Asset Class
This 67-page kit includes:
- 4 pages of social media posts & images
- 18-page white paper on selling permanent life insurance
- 4-page agent guide on communicating the value of life insurance
- 2-page sales idea: creating a sense of urgency
- 1-page agent guide to having better conversations
- 3-page sales idea: living benefits
- 4-page article on the "rule of 7" in marketing & prospecting
- 4-page article on whole life vs. IUL and the risk/reward trade-off
- 7-page consumer guide to permanent life insurance
- 4-page client guide on the benefits of permanent life insurance
- 3-page client article: is permanent life insurance right for them?
- 8-page client guide to life insurance as an asset
- 3-page client flyer on tax benefits of cash value life insurance

Give More Than Love
This 69-page kit includes:
- 3 pages of social media posts & images
- 5-page life insurance consumer marketing toolkit
- 8-page life insurance marketing kit
- 3-page sales idea: Laddering life insurance
- 2-page sales idea: Writing impaired risk cases
- 3-page sales idea: Living benefits & riders
- 4-page producer guide: Communicating life insurance value to prospects
- 2-page producer guide: Overcoming objections
- 2-page producer guide: Generational communication style preferences
- 2-page sales idea: Selling to Millennials and Gen Z
- 4-page sales idea: Selling to Gen Z
- 4-page sales idea: Why life insurance is important for single clients
- 2-page sales idea: Protection for grandparents and grandchildren
- 2-page consumer flyer: Life insurance is cheaper than a cup of coffee
- 2-page consumer flyer: Differences between group and individual life
- 4-page consumer brochure: How much coverage do you need?
- 2-page consumer flyer: Living benefits story
- 2-page consumer flyer: Fact vs fiction
- 8-page consumer guide: Protect what matters most
- 2-page consumer flyer: Term vs perm
- 1-page family financial needs worksheet

Retirement Planning
This 84-page kit includes:
- 3 pages of social media posts & images
- 4-page sales idea on the value of tax-free income in retirement
- 2-page sales idea on life insurance as supplementary retirement income
- 4-page producer guide to help answer common client questions
- 12-page client guide on adding flexibility to a retirement portfolio with whole life insurance
- 2-page flyer on bridging the Social Security income gap
- 1-page flyer with important links and concepts for people in or nearing retirement
- 1-page flyer with important links and concepts for pre-retirement clients
- 16-page client guide on taming a bear market in retirement
- 2-page client flyer on bear markets in retirement
- 4-page client sample illustration to show how accessing cash value can help your portfolio recover during a market dip
- 6-page guide to retirement risks & how life insurance can help
- 2-page client flyer on how to handle inflation in retirement planning
- 2-page client flyer on the importance of tax planning for retirement
- 6-page market volatility case study
- 3-page case study on retirement planning (15 years out from retirement)
- 12-page client guide on keeping your retirement plan on track

Income Tax Planning
This 91-page kit includes:
- 4 pages of pre-written social media posts (images + text)
- 15-page guide to uncovering life & LTC needs through a client's 1040 form
- 13-page tax guide with 2023 and 2024 income and payroll tax rates
- 2-page sales idea: tax provisions set to expire on January 1, 2026
- 26-page guide to the taxation of life insurance
- 2-page guide to the tax status of common assets (IRA, equities, annuities, etc.)
- 3-page case study on using life insurance to protect against tax rate fluctuations
- 2-page client worksheet for tracking how and when you're taxed
- 12-page client guide to tax diversification in retirement planning
- 4-page client guide to tax advantages that are scheduled to sunset on January 1, 2026
- 2-page guide to identify financial opportunities using your 1040
- 4-page client guide to pre-funding retirement taxes with permanent life insurance

Disability Insurance
This 146-page kit includes:
- 5 pages of pre-written social media posts (images + text)
- 1 page DI quote request form
- 12-page producer marketing guide
- 4-page flowchart for evaluating a client's DI needs
- 4-page producer guide to target markets
- 2-page sales idea: combining life, disability, and critical illness
- 4-page brochure with disability facts
- 4-page consumer DI guide
- 2-page flyer on savings and disability
- 106-page DI workbook

Business Planning
This 106-page kit includes:
- 4 pages of pre-written social media posts & downloadable images
- 2-page customer opportunity profile
- 2-page sales idea: split dollar life insurance for executives
- 4-page sales idea: cash value key person life insurance
- 2-page key employee case study
- 2-page sales idea: funding executive bonus w/life insurance
- 2-page sales idea: multi-life key employee executive bonus using IUL
- 28-page producer guide to planning with & for your business clients
- 14-page guide to small business opportunities by company stage
- 4-page business & life insurance needs analysis questionnaire
- 8-page business owner priority survey results
- 12 page client guide to business risk management
- 4-page client guide on living benefit buy-sell agreement
- 8-page guide to buy-sell best practices
- 8-page guide to key employee retention & retirement

Financial Independence
This 55-page kit includes:
- 3 pages of social media images & post text
- 2-page producer flyer on helping clients deal with inflation
- 4-page producer guide on managing sequence of return risk in retirement
- 4-page sales idea on filling the retirement gap for high earners
- 2-page sales idea on laddering coverage
- 10-page producer article on IUL as a stabilizing option in a turbulent market
- 3-page sales idea on the retirement income potential with IUL
- 1-page sales idea on index loans
- 7-page producer guide on growing your business by focusing on women
- 2-page consumer flyer on life insurance for women
- 2-page consumer flyer on growing retirement assets
- 8-page consumer guide to whole life insurance as part of a well-rounded retirement portfolio in a bear market
- 3-page consumer flyer on cash value life insurance as a Roth IRA alternative
- 2-page client flyer on the tax triangle

Back to School
This 86-page kit includes:
- 3 pages of social media text & images for posts
- 23-page report on the average cost of college in 2023 (private, public, for profit, not for profit, by state, etc.)
- 8-page producer guide
- 2-page case study
- 24-page consumer guide to paying for college
- 2-page article on funding college with life insurance
- 7-page article on life insurance vs. 529 plans
- 3-page article on why college students may need life insurance
- 12-page consumer brochure on permanent life insurance

Family Life Insurance Planning
This 41-page kit includes:
- 5 pages of text & social media images
- 2-page Legal & General description + links for their Marketing to Millennials campaign
- 4-page article on marketing to single clients
- 2-page whole life case study
- 4-page article on soft selling life insurance
- 4-page sales idea: GUL to protect a special needs child
- 3-page producer guide: beneficiary designation reviews
- 4-page consumer needs worksheet
- 4-page consumer brochure you can use as a sales idea: student loan rider
- 2-page consumer brochure on planning for the unexpected
- 2-page consumer flyer on life insurance for children
- 2-page consumer flyer for grandparents on leaving a legacy
- 1-page consumer flyer on the insurance gap

Policy Review
This 77-page kit includes:
- 3 pages of sharable social media posts & graphics
- 24-page producer guide to beneficiary reviews
- 4-page policy review case study & worksheet
- 2-page infographic on the importance of policy reviews & working with existing policyowners
- 12-page producer guide to policy reviews
- 3-page article on how to perform a policy review
- 2-page prospect checklist
- 2-page consumer flyer: Baby Boomers' financial needs
- 2-page consumer flyer: Gen X's financial needs
- 2-page consumer flyer: Millennials' financial needs
- 2-page sample beneficiary checklist
- 4-page consumer article on how yearly reviews help them save
- 1-page policy review FAQ for consumers
- 12-page beneficiary review workbook

Long-Term Care
This 90-page kit includes:
- 3 pages of sharable social media images & text
- 4-page update on the cost of long-term care
- 8-page producer guide on LTC underwriting considerations
- 14-page summary of LTC in the U.S.
- 11-page white paper on LTC in the U.S.
- 2-page sales idea: the cost of waiting to plan
- 2-page producer article on using IRA distributions to pay for long-term care
- 5-page producer article on tax ramifications of LTC riders
- 2-page sales idea: LTC rider
- 2-page sales idea: using an unneeded annuity to pay for LTC costs
- 3-page sales idea: using HSA dollars to pay for a portion of LTC premium
- 6-page guide to taxation and qualified LTC policies
- 2-page client questionnaire
- 2-page LTC tax deduction worksheet
- 2-page consumer brochure on long-term care expenses
- 2-page consumer flyer on the differences between healthcare and LTC expenses
- 8-page consumer guide to LTC in America
- 2-page consumer flyer on rising costs of LTC
- 8-page consumer guide to creating an LTC plan

Asset Max & Charitable Giving
This 74-page kit includes:
- 3 pages of sharable social media images in multiple sizes with pre-written post text
- 4-page article from Ed Slott: Year-End 2022: 5-Point Retirement Account Action Plan
- 9-page client guide to year-end tax conversations that could save them money
- 2-page sales idea: charitable gifting to help maximize your client's tax deduction
- 8-page consumer guide to annual gifting exclusions for life insurance
- 12-page consumer guide to asset repositioning to enhance their legacy
- 3-page producer case study & sales idea: annuity maximization
- 16-page producer guide to Social Security maximization
- 4-page consumer guide to IRA maximization
- 11-page consumer article on IRA maximization

This 20-page kit includes:
- 1 page with individual download links for each kit
- 5-page consumer guide to dental insurance
- fillable quote request form for dental insurance
- 3-page consumer guide to vision insurance
- fillable quote request form for vision insurance
- 6-page consumer guide to Medicare supplement insurance
- fillable quote request form for Medicare supplement insurance

Critical Illness
This 53-page kit includes:
- 3 pages of sharable images & post text
- 16 pages of video transcripts: sales tips, a sales presentation, a carrier presentation
- 3-page article on how to grow CI sales
- 16-page agent guide to selling CI
- 2 pages of sales ideas
- 1-page with 5 reasons to sell CI
- 4-page consumer brochure
- 2-page client flyer: CI eases financial worries
- 1-page client flyer: mortgage protection
- 1-page needs estimation worksheet
- 2-page client flyer: CI and women

Tax-Free Income
This 40-page kit includes:
- 8 pages of shareable social media images and post text, sized for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn - including rectangular, square, and vertical images
- 3-page discussion guide with conversation starters - updated for 2022
- 1 page of resources for more info, facts, and stats - updated for 2022
- 2 sample client emails
- 4-page sales strategy: The 0% Tax Bracket - updated for 2022
- 18-page 2-part client guide to wealth strategies used by the top 25%

Final Expense Planning Chart
This fillable PDF planner gives you an easy way to start and shape the conversation around final expense planning.

Client Financial & Insurance Information
This PDF lets you add your contact info & logo before printing it out and giving it to a client to fill in with their must-have information (document locations, account numbers, etc.). Click here for a fillable PDF.

Customer Journey Map
This map helps you understand your prospects’ needs and target your marketing efforts. It can also help pinpoint areas where your conversions may be falling short.

Focus Topic Calendar
Find out how a focus topic calendar can simplify marketing by removing guesswork, helping you cross-sell and up-sell, identifying partnerships, and more - plus download our free template.

Social Media Calendar
If you want to do more on social media in 2023 but aren’t sure what to post, we’ve got you covered. Here's a 2023 social media calendar with hashtags, holidays, and more, all done for you.

Brand Guidelines
Streamline your marketing efforts with brand guidelines - approved wording, brand colors, logo sizing, and more. Complete this document and share it with partner agents, freelancers, or office staff.

Buyer Persona
It's easier to talk to one person than to hundreds or even thousands. Use this buyer persona template to profile your ideal client - then speak directly to them in your marketing.

Email Mini-Course Planner
Combat your prospects' email fatigue by repackaging your automated email sequence into a mini-course, with a much higher perceived value. You've got the content - now repackage it to add more value (and flair).

Insurance 2.0: Insurance Sales in the 21st Century
To be a successful agent today, you need to understand how customers shop...and why pricing, underwriting, products, and service don't matter...at least not in the traditional sense.

The 60-Day Plan for Social Media Success
Want to build your social media presence from the ground up? You can do it in 60 days with the tips in this book. Build your presence on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more so prospects and clients see you as an online authority.

The Innovator's Edge: Sales 2.0
To be a successful practitioner of Sales 2.0, you need to understand Customer 2.0. In this book, we'll explain what they want vs. what they need, and how you can add value to their experience to become their trusted advisor.

Gather Your Book of Business
To use a CRM, you need a consolidated and complete list of clients, contacts, and policy data to upload into the system. This guide will show you how to export data from Outlook, Gmail, Facebook, LinkedIn, carriers, and BGAs.