About Prostate Cancer

The prostate is part of the male reproductive system. It's a gland about the size of a walnut that surrounds the urethra at the base of the bladder. Even though prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer for men overall, it's only the third most common cause of death from cancer in men of all ages. However, it's the most common cause of death from cancer in men over age 75. Prostate cancer is rarely found in men under age 40.
Types & Detection
Most prostate cancers are adenocarcinomas, but another form is sarcoma, which have a worse prognosis. It's usually detected through blood tests and PSA screening, typically before any symptoms occur.
Once a PSA reading of 4.0 or higher is seen, typically the doctor will request a biopsy to determine if there are signs of cancer. Treatment for prostate cancer may be done in several ways, including prostatectomy (removal of the prostate), chemo and radiation, and hormone therapy.
Life Insurance Underwriting for Prostate Cancer
The primary questions to be asked of a proposed insured that presents with this history are:
- What was the age at diagnosis and the date when treatment ended?
- What was the prostate cancer stage and/or grade?
- What was the Gleason score? (This is a tumor grading, based on how different from normal tissue the cells are.)
- How was the cancer treated?...and has there been any recurrence?
- What was the pre-op PSA reading?
- What is the current, or most recent, PSA reading?...and has there been good follow-up?
Underwriting decisions for prostate cancer are based on three things: (1) the tumor grading, (2) what the Gleason score and PSA were prior to surgery, and (3) age and time since treatment ended. Diagnosis prior to age 50 or with a Gleason of 9 or greater will typically have a 5-year postponement period.
A lower stage/grade cancer and a Gleason of 2-6 often are available for offer as soon as treatment as been completed, typically in the Table 2-4 range (depending on the age). Standard offers are possible with low staging, usually at 5 years post prostatectomy, and 10 years if treated with radiation. Our free questionnaire will help you gather the necessary information.
Download the QuestionnaireAs always, we're here to help you answer questions, and provide the best underwriting services possible to help you place cases.
Click here to contact our underwriter, Mike Woods, with specific underwriting questions about prostate cancer.